I would be happy to lend you any of the books and/or DVDs below. You may keep each title you choose for four weeks with a one-time extension of another four weeks. If distance prevents me from giving them to you in person, please include 10 CHF when you return the books to cover the cost of postage within Switzerland.

If you have books related to the childbearing year that you would like to donate (German or English), so that I may lend them out, please complete the form below including the books to donate section at the end of this page. I will call or email you to make arrangements to either pick them up or pay you for shipping them to me. Thanks so much for making your books available for all to share!  

If left alone in labor, the body of a woman produces most easily the baby that is not interfered with by the mother’s mind or the assistant’s hand.
If left alone, just courage and patience are required.
— Grantly Dick-Read, Ob-Gyn